Entrance Plaza
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GATHER, STORE, RE-COMBINE A History of Imagination (Part 1)

In PART I, we’ll explore the development and execution of the original Journey Into Imagination. Then learn about the production and techniques used in the Magic Eye Theater’s inaugural presentation; Magic Journeys.

Highlights Include…

  • The Successful Failure of Discovery Bay
  • The Controversial Turntable Debate
  • The Beginnings of Dreamfinder
  • The Birth of Figment
  • The Musicology of Imagination
  • A Class in Disney 3D – 101
  • The Musical journey of the Sherman Brothers

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Reader Comments (3)

Excellent article. It's sad to see what has become of this once great pavilion. Hopefully the future is brighter...

June 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJason R. Thompson

Incredible article! I'd never heard of Discovery Bay; it's interesting how its various ideas were recycled. The original Imagination pavilion was near and dear to my heart; now the place is just a monument to the strategy of maximizing executive bonuses by any means necessary. Still, maybe the future has something good in store.

June 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterFuture Guy

One of the most informative and enlightening articles I've ever read on JII. Awesome job!

July 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterfigment34786

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