Entrance Plaza

Dilemma: Sponsorship in the 21st Century

In the realm of Legacy, we examine the financial challenges of maintaining, creating and revitalizing the community of tomorrow while ultimately proposing a radical departure from the current philosophy. From present conditions to the realities of application - the pitfalls of today and the exciting possibilities of a sponsor-free tomorrow.

Click the Image Above to Continue.


VISTA Series - A Tribute in Light

From Looking back at Tomorrow to the exciting possibilities of life on a fertile desert, floating city or space colony, Horizons presented THE most optimistic and forward-thinking display in the history of themed entertainment. Before the debut of its serialized Vista, we pause to pay tribute the greatest and most important of all deceased attractions.


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Designer’s Note: Because of its historical complexity, the treatment of Horizons was always intended to be different from the other pavilions of Future World. Inspired by the shuttle mission plaques found at the exit of the Shuttle Launch Experience at the Kennedy Space Center, this edition is the only “gold” Pavilion it the otherwise “White Hot” pavilion line-up signifying its loss.
This special edition was designed (almost) simultaneously as the “standard” edition so it was tricky to restrain myself on some design choices in order to preserve its inherently somber tone.


Creating an Icon

This week in the world of Art, JLH Omnimedia features an extensive behind-the-scenes look at the (re)creation of the icon that started the Vista Series.

Click on the image to view NEW Horizons


By the Numbers I: The Trinity

He’s back! Our good friend and longtime associate, Professor Ludwig von Drake returns to expound his wisdom and experience. In this lecture, von Drake covers the dual topics of Balance and Tone for the world of Tomorrow.

Click on the graph below to soak-in the Professor’s numerous calculations!

About von Drake: For those of you who don’t know of this amazingly insightful and hilarious duck, it might be a good idea to a watch his debut on the first episode of The Wonderful World of Color!
(Skip ahead 8:00 minutes for his introduction.)


Perfect Timing 

Today at JLH Omnimedia, we learn about style progression, faith-based timing and the continuing evolution of one of the most important key assets of E82. Click over to the image to see a preview of an upcoming project....


WARNING: I’m constantly reassessing the cross-promotion of the JLH blog on E82 so this may be last time you’ll receive updates on the News page. So make sure to add JLH Omnimedia to your favorites or better yet add the RSS feed to receive project reports, design notes, and sneak peeks on all upcoming E82 events.