End of Line?. . . Not Yet!

My Dear Futurists,
Over the past several years, I’ve rather unwisely poured everything into this project. Designing “the worlds most unique EPCOT Centered endeavor” takes a lot of time, energy and finances to bring to reality, all of which are interrelated to one another. Time & energy spent away from my “day job”, investing in a degree, and sacrificing other job offers to work on E82 — a project that has always had higher goals than just a repository of history, music and artwork. One that has a real possibility of become a driving force for Epcot’s future. And in order to continue such work I NEED YOU!
I’m at the very end of my fiscal rope, and this project cannot evolve without monetary assistance.
There is a Very Real and Very Dark future on the horizon for Epcot.
A future that I have a highly practical plan to Stop!
And it very well might be our last hope.
Please help me to continue this fight for a Brighter Tomorrow!
Every little bit helps, but there are certain benefits to providing more assistance.
Thank You for Your Support,
I simply cannot do this without YOU!

Although not nearly as deserving as he, In the past few days I’ve felt very much like George Bailey in “It’s a Wonderful Life”.
Your response has been nothing short of astounding, and I am ever so grateful to each and every one of you for supporting my efforts to not just pay tribute to EPCOT’s impressive past, but also work to become a driving force for its future!
I’ve often quoted the park’s official anthem “We Just Begun to Dream” and while that is still very much true “Dreaming” is not enough. As Walt once said, “The way to get started is to QUIT Talking and Begin DOING” And there is SO much left to be done with this ever expanding project. Therefore, I’m reorganizing, revitalizing, and recommitting myself to seeing this mission through.
There are many plans, ideas, and objectives still left to be accomplished and with your help we can bring forth a brighter tomorrow!
Most Gratefully,

Reader Comments (5)
The reason your not getting any help is because the big industry has been pushing for smart phones only since the I-phone came out and on phones you really can't do websites. *Blogs don't count as you use third party tools* where websites like this are created from scratch and you do the hard work and that is a rare thing now.
Also the Windows 8 and 10 no freedom fiasco are making the computer industry unstable when it doesn't really need to be because MS wants everything to be for phones only and they failed to capitalize that dream with Windows 8 and their Windows Phone ideas.
Google's new rules means your website won't be ranked unless it's designed for smart phones only.
Smart phones are nothing more then dumb terminals of the 1970s where you couldn't do anything unless you logged into the mainframe which today we call that *the cloud* server or cloud computing whatever you wish to name it that's what it is.
BTW: This website reminds me of the good old days in the *Bush Era* when it was more common for personal webpages with flavor then just blog spot or word fk blogs.
I call it Word Fk because they are known to censor comments despite not saying they do. Try saying the word Tavistock or something against the NWO and see what happens to your comments. Note: They can also *shadow ban* you where you see the comments but when you log out they are no longer there.
Your having a hard time getting people likely because your not phone friendly enough to Google's standards and that is a big important step.
Dad suggests quick and easy webuilder which makes websites both for computers and phones. Google won't even list you if you are not phone friendly since April 2015 they made the rules.
Quick and Easy webuilder allows you to do both ways so it's not all small print and phone sized screens.
Hi SortingHat,
Thank you very much for your insight. I know eventually I will need to completely redevelop E82’s web presence and becoming more mobile friendly IS on the agenda.
That being said, I have had an overwhelming response, and E82 will continue for the foreseeable future!
Thanks Again,
Hey just want to say how much this pleases me. I will admit to mostly engaging with E82 through the music. I download everything and listen to and enjoy it often.
Whatever direction you choose is obviously yours alone, and I look forward to watching the journey. I'll always be first in line for the new music downloads!