The 4th Dimension

Coming in the near future, the E82 universe will expand beyond the realms of static art, musical compilation, historical dissertation and philosophic analysis to include animated simulations, and a host of other projects expressed in the forth dimension (time).
In order to properly showcase this new form of expression, "E82 Films" had to have its own motion picture-style logo and here are the results…
Logo Description:
Beginning at the outermost edge of the universe, we journey through the spiraling heart of the "Epcot Galaxy" passing the park's original set of nine pavilion logos all coalescing together to explode outwards becoming the Progress City Supernova on the edge of which orbits majestic Spaceship Earth.
The E82 Films Logo has become the latest Case Study on the JLH Omni Blog!
From the pitfalls to the enormous possibilities, head to JLH Omnimedia on E82 to get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this benchmark-setting project!
Reader Comments (6)
That's awesome! Will you ever show a behind the scenes look at how you create these moving pieces of art?
Hey Justin!
This is a portfolio-level project, so there will be an extensive “post-mortem” on this logo including a few other motion tests that are not currently on my Vimeo account.
This is WONDERFUL!! I like how you drew inspiration from the old logo grid-style EPCOT animation of the early 80's. (The one seen here:
I can't wait to see what the future hold for E82!
I like it, a nice homage to the promo art and it kind of reminds me the Space Mountain Graphic Novel (subtext wise).
You are an extremely talented individual and I look forward to your creations and compilations! Excellent and impressive! Please don't stop.