Constructing 2.0!

I’ve had the idea of combining pictures with the story of EPCOT Center’s final days of construction for a while now BUT with a finite amount of pictures and an even more finite amount of News Briefs picture selection proved to be a lot more difficult than I originally thought. (If I use an awesome photo today that better applies to the News Brief of tomorrow… well I just can’t stand for that kind of imperfection.) However, after much planning (including all 30 entrees left to go), I’ve decided to go forward with presenting past and future issues in the series with photo accompaniment. Most images will be on topic (if not from the exact day!) while others might only be a severe tangent. So I would suggest looking back at Constructing Tomorrow for all the new additions.
Just keep in mind that some of these may appear sedate, but I guarantee things will get a lot more interesting from here on. Just as with opening of the park we’ve really just begun to dream!
An aerial shot of the construction site from June 1980, the only thing completed is the cast parking lot which will soon serve the many construction workers that will make EPCOT center a reality.
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