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It's Working!

I hope that you don’t think I’m crazy or egoistical when I say this, but in E82’s tiny two-year existence A LOT has transpired, both for myself and for the project but the goal and philosophy of E82 has always remained the same — Influence through Inspiration. And in small way, it’s working! The E82 Overture has been interpreted by designer Stephen Dettling as a multi-media lightshow (that really makes me want to finish the Vista Series)…

And its seems that D23 is even influenced by the Future World Soundtrack Series…

I say (and show) these things not elevate E82, but simply to state the cyclical power of inspiration. Epcot inspires me to create new art from yesterday’s bold visions of tomorrow, which in turn inspires others to create even more great things which inspires me to go on and create new things.

EPCOT Center’s 30th birthday is one of joy and sorrow. Joy over the accomplishments of Imagineer’s that jump-started the 21st Century 18 years before its chronological beginning, and sorrow over absence of those things now lost. The birthday of any living institution is two-fold ­— a celebration of the past and the excitement of tomorrow. As of this date not much is planned for Epcot’s future, but it’s only a matter of time before all eyes will be on “the ball” as it is still THE park of the greatest potential with an altruistic message that’s a necessity for its World and the world of tomorrow.      


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Reader Comments (4)

Josh, had you seen the video before I sent it to you?

So sorry I was not able to make it to D23, but I still was able to celebrate EPCOT's birthday on my own.

October 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAaron

Hey Aaron!
Sorry I didn’t respond on the Book of Faces, (a lot going on, even though I know it’s no excuse).
Yes, I did see this a few day before you sent it, but don’t worry (I can’t you how my times people sent me that Figment with a flame thrower cartoon). And No, I couldn’t afford to go to the D23 event myself so you’re not the only one in the dark. Fortunately, they did provide some Cast Member presentations in morning (Tony Baxter’s presentation was both magnificent and heartbreaking while Marty Sklar was so warm and funny I couldn’t stop smiling). Soon after 2pm I was back at home working on Full Sail Assignments. What a day of contrasts!

October 2, 2012 | Registered CommenterJoshua L Harris

Wow, that's amazing! That's better than any perks I had as a CM. So glad you were able to make a post about the 30th what with everything going on. Glad to see the site catching on!

October 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAaron

I saw a YouTube video of the 30th tag for IllumiNations, and I thought Disney actually used a piece of your overture in it.

October 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

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