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The New E82

“Here in Florida we have something special we never enjoyed at Disneyland: the blessing of size. There's enough land here to hold all the ideas and plans we could possibly imagine.”

– Walt Disney, “The Epcot Film” 1966.


Welcome to the NEW E82!

Just like Walt’s Project X, E82 now has plenty of expansion room, and increased versatility. In addition to the new design, E82 now features several sections including…

Are You 82?

A beginner's guide to “The E82 Project” encapsulating the purpose, vision and organization of E82.

The FutureWorld Soundtrack Series

A repository for all releases in the Series. This section focuses on not just the albums themselves, but the production and philosophies of the individual albums.

TRON: Geosphere

An exploration into the “EPCOT Center Movie”. More information to follow in the upcoming weeks!

Sponsored by ENCOM

As the official Sponsor of E82, ENCOM is devoted to protecting and nurturing the development of our alliance. From time to time, ENCOM "the World’s #1 Software Provider" may exert its corporate influence on E82 to help further its ever changing agenda. Whenever it decides to do so you’ll find all the information right here.

Figment’s Fun Facts

Our inquisitive baby dragon has many more discoveries to share about the amazing facts and figures surrounding the development of EPCOT.

And Much, Much More!

The best way to get started is to click one of the above links to HISTORY, ART, and MUSIC, to find a collection of posts for each realm of E82.

This new site will also allow for quicker postings, better site management and more indepth coverage so expect to see more in the near future.

At E82 "We've Just Begun to Dream"!

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Reader Comments (4)

Hey, good for you, love the new name!

February 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermatt

I love the new site! This is going to be the definitive EPCOT site on the Internet. Heck, it probably already is.

February 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter@futureprobe1982

Is there an RSS feed for this new site?

February 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMike

It does now!
I don't use them myself, but after some research perhaps I should:)

February 22, 2011 | Registered CommenterJoshua L Harris

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