Entrance Plaza

Entries by Joshua L Harris (158)


The Revelation

On May 21st 2015 something extraordinary occurred in the most unlike of places that has literally changed the course of events for both my life and the trajectory of E82. To paraphrase, Arthur C Clarke’s instructions on appreciating 2001,

2. Read the following article
3. Repeat the dose as often as necessary…


The E82 Legacy Network

To the casual observer, it would appear as if progress was slow for The E82 Project, but followers on Twitter or Facebook know that a multitude of projects are being worked on at all times with only the polished final results appearing on the site. We can now add Instagram and Pinterest to that list of social sites rounding out E82’s “Legacy Network”

Once there you’ll discover more about E82 through the popular behind-the-scenes series “E82’s Futureprobe: Tomorrow’s Windows into the Future Worlds of the Epcot Legacy”. Our take on a host of Epcot centered current events as well as your primary source for staying up-to-date with all the latest developments here on the site.

Like or Follow today!

Note: For the broadest range Facebook & Twitter are the most frequent sources of news, entertainment and inspiration with only image-driven content delivered to the bottom three.


Plus Ultra

In the month to come, Walt Disney Pictures will return to the parks for inspiration in a cinematic reinterpretation of a Disneyland classic, only this time on a far larger scale. In contrast to previous efforts focused on singular attraction, Brad Bird’s Tomorrowland expands its reach to encompass several macrocosmic concepts of the park’s most original realm.  “A place where nothing is impossible” is not only an intriguing tagline, but also an inspirational mantra that if expanded to the real world could yield far-reaching and enormously positive results.
Here at The E82 Project we have the perspective that a place of seemingly infinite possibilities did exist and could once more. But for now, lets celebrate the revival of futurism potentially just over the horizon with a Tomorrowland inspired tribute to Walt’s greatest dream…      


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The E82 Institute


2032 — External Expertise 

The 2032 Series continues with a discussion how EPCOT Center’s prophetic promises really came to be and how to restore relevance in a world of ever-changing complexity culminating in the creation of a Whole New Realm for The E82 Project! . . .   


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