Entrance Plaza

Entries by Joshua L Harris (158)


Logo Series — ISTC

From the official backstory,
“It is the year 2036, and advances in space technology have finally made the exploration of our solar system possible. The world is undergoing a renaissance of the spirit of the 1960’s, when space represented our destiny. Several space stations are in orbit around earth, and robotic teams have been exploring neighboring planets for many years. Now astronaut teams are being sought for missions to nearby planets and asteroids. So many astronauts are needed, in fact, that the space organizations of the world have come together to form the INTERNATIONAL SPACE TRAINING CENTER.”

Inspired by the final graphic of all training videos, the latest edition to the Logo Series, features the poignantly symbolic ISTC Logo with Black, White & Gold treatment surrounded by trajectories representing the eight (sorry Pluto) planets of our solar system.  

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Geodesic Series

Taking its cue from the prismatic qualities of its many triangular facets, the Geodesic Series begins to explore the many lighting schemes of Spaceship Earth. Every month this year we’ll be adding a new edition to this series with a 50/50 mix of historic replications and uniquely imagined color schemes.

Our Series begins with varation on the color scheme that has existed for over 15 years.  

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The Futurism of Walt Disney

It has often been said that if you interview 20 people who knew Walt, you’d get 20 different Walt Disneys.
But what version of Walt is the most important: the Movie Mogul, the Artist, the Storyteller, the Benevolent Dictator, etc.? All are certainly fine candidates, but the most unique, the most impactful, and the most cohesive version of the man, is Walt Disney the Visionary Innovator. For all of his greatest achievements, as if plotted on a scatter chart, can be traced through his singular focus on innovation.  

Many a documentarian, with vast facilities & large production staff has tried to capture the “true” Walt Disney, with varying degrees of success (Walt: Man behind the Myth) or abject failure (The American Experience). And None of them — Not One — has managed to put on film exactly why 50 years after his death many of us are continually fascinated with or (in many cases) obsessed by this man.


Christian M Moran, has almost singlehandedly created The Greatest Documentary Ever Produced about Walt Disney.

As a Disney Historian myself with nearly 25 years of intensive study of both the Man and his Legacy, this is not a statement I make lightly. Furthermore, it is one that I’m more than willing (and mightily prepared) to defend.

But the film more than speaks for itself, and on a deeply personal level, Christian has, more than anything, captured MY Version of Walt Disney: the Dreamer and (most importantly) the Doer.

I seriously cannot thank you enough for this.
Most Sincerely & Heartfelt,
—Joshua L Harris


The Countdown to Horizons



Vista Series - Orbits of Light

From its dramatic curvilinear structure to its massive planetary forms, Mission: Space Vista pays tribute to one of the most intense and realistic depictions of space flight ever created. For this edition, Planetary Plaza’s abstract orbital paths serve as the inspiration for the trajectory of the series’ signature light rays that lead from the outermost edges of space to the International Space Training Center.

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Designer’s Note: This edition features the debut of several assets uniquely created for multiple E82 Projects including Pavilion Line Art , a Norm Inouye-esque Logo for the pavilion and a realigned/corrected version of Space Logotype.     

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