Constructing... Ceremonies

When observed through the prism of today’s multi-day attraction openings it’s almost inconceivable to imagine a multi-month press event with 14 dedication ceremonies during the first month alone. It’s also a little perplexing that the televised Smith-Hemion “Opening Celebration” did not contain a single frame of any those openings. I personally would have been happy with sacrificing one or two (or five) of Danny Kaye’s songs for a well-edited montage of the festivities. Nevertheless, while the Disney Park’s Blog explodes with several posts chronicling the opening of Disney’s latest coffee vendor, the size and scope of EPCOT Center’s creation continues to impress over 30 years later.
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Photo Caption:
Taken at approximately 10:01am on October 1st 1982, this is one my favorite photos of Spaceship Earth’s Official Dedication if for no other reason than its completely unconventional composition. Practically a “back-view” of the ceremonies, from here we see the back of the banner carriers with American Flags flying over head. We can also see the as yet unfinished accent lighting of Entrance Plaza that would not be installed until late November. Finally, and most intriguingly, is the serene in appearance of the photo – unusual in that just outside of this shot are massive crowns witnessing the birth of the 21st Century.
Reader Comments (1)
That's got to be the most "real" shot of the ceremonies that I've ever seen. Thanks for sharing that.