Entrance Plaza

Entries in TRON (7)


The Second System

Our mostly silent sponsor has recently contact me with some highly interesting information. Click on the image below to discover the hidden historical connections between EPCOT and the ENCOM Corporation.



New Music for "The Grid" 

E82’s TRON: Legacy Soundtrack Review
Earlier this year, as the excitement and anticipation was building toward TRON: Legacy’s release, a question was posed: Will “TRON: Legacy” be the “2001” for this generation?
While not having seen the film, it’s quite easy to see the comparison in many moments of the score. Additionally, the Daft Punk Soundtrack references several Sci-fi Scores and Classical music pieces. It’s almost unbelievable that two electronic artists could have developed such an amazing amount of scope a depth in such a singular work.
Click on the Album Cover to read a complete analysis...  

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