Entrance Plaza

Easy Living

“Easy Living… It’s always been just around the corner.”
The future as seen from the 1930’s, this second edition to the Texture Series pays tribute to the fanciful “Art Deco” scene from Future World’s dearly departed Horizons pavilion by focusing on the tableau’s colorful custom created carpets.

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Adult Discourse

What does it mean to be a truly unique theme park in an otherwise oversaturated market of child-focused entertainment — the challenges of word association, and the enormous marketing potential that lies dormant in the world’s first theme park created for adults.

Click on the geosphere to continue.


The Future of E82 ? ? ?

"Well, I'd say it's been my biggest problem all my life. MONEY. It takes a lot of money to make these dreams come true. From the very start it was a problem. Getting the money to open Disneyland. About seventeen million it took. And we had everything mortgaged including my personal insurance." – Walt Disney

In much the same way, E82 has always been on the verge of closure and it currently “loses” about $300.00 in hosting fees per year (a cost that, believe it or not, cuts deep into my current finances).

But more valuable than money is the Time invested into revitalizing EPCOT Centered concepts – time that’s often “stolen” from higher priorities like education, health, socialization, and artistic/career development (ironically all Epcot values).

E82 is a labor of love, the definition of a Passion Project and it is one that I hope will continue for a long time. And once my education is no longer such a large factor of my “free” time I fully expect that the Legacy will continue at a faster pace. However, I cannot ignore the hard facts that without any measurable incentive E82’s development will always be excruciatingly slow.

If you enjoy E82 and support the dual causes of “Appreciation through Exposure” (History & Music) and would like to see Epcot (the park) continue to be positively effected through the process of “Influence through Inspiration” (Art & Legacy) Please Support E82 by Making a Donation!

 Click on the Image below to Sponsor E82 

The Future of E82... Rests with you!


M. E. T.

With 16 days until the FWSS release of the Wonders of Life I can think of no better time to focus on the pavilion’s unique and eclectic attractions. Additionally, I think is high time I start using these meticulously created vectorizations for something more that the postage stamp sized elements that adorn the inside covers of the soundtrack albums.

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ATTN: MET Probe Crew Members

Please use the following proved desktop on all facility monitors, including all XLGS-750 bays, and Mission Command work stations.

Thank You,

– Cdr. Cynthia Lair PhD.

The desktop background features elements from several versions of the Logo throughout the queue with a few “E82-style” enhancements. The background is inspired by the checker panels of the attraction’s upper queue. The “MET” recalls the graphic buffers displayed on the overhead monitors while the body probe and concentric circles simulate the lighted main marquee found at the attraction’s entrance lobby.        


Celebrate the Joy of . . . Life! 

The countdown officially begins today…

Anyone remember when I thought that Wonders might a little light or (even worse) boring as a Two Disc compilation??? Well, turns out I grossly underestimated the musical depth of this, the last of Future World’s sprawling pavilions. As a result, this singularity in Epcot history will come to you as an expansive collection featuring OVER TWO HOURS of specially arranged, constructed, enhanced and restored musical compilations!

Experience the Wonder!  

5 . 28 . 13