A repository of innovative ideas and concepts from the minds of some of the greatest dreamers and doers of our time — bringing EPCOT Center’s ideals into the present and beyond.
For a comprehesive overview of The Institute — its origins, and its purpose please read External Expertise, part of the "2032 — A New Center" Series.
Advisor: Arthur Brooks, Social Scientist

“The Secret to the pursuit of happiness is earning our success.”
As the president of the American Enterprise Institute, Arthur hardly needs justification on an EPCOT centered panel. Still, Mr. Brooks’ principles on revitalizing the American economy and elimination of poverty WILL revolutionize the way in which people view compassionate conservatism. In Epcot 2032, the park itself will become a shinning example of the individual achievements through entrepreneurship.
American Enterprise Institute
Total Duration » 01:06:13
Advisor: Sir Ken Robinson, Educationalist

“For most of us the problem isn’t that we aim too high and fail. It’s just the opposite —
We aim too low and succeed.”
However unjustly, “Edutainment” has nearly become a four-letter word in EPCOT history with the commonly held and patently false accusation that the original Center was boring. In many ways, the educational aspirations of EPCOT were tied to traditional education models and thus carried the stigma of industrial-style schooling. Sir Ken has several original ideas about how to completely transform the way in which we teach Tomorrow’s Child. In Epcot 2032, the “Inform” segment of EPCOT Center’s mission statement will be just as attractive as the “Entertain” & “Inspire” parts that surround it.
Duration » 16:48
Duration » 19:11
Total Duration » 02:49:25
Advisor: Elon Musk, Entrepreneur - Inventor

“If something is important enough, even if the odds are against you, you should still do it.”
I can think of no one who more perfectly embodies the “Spirit of EPCOT Center” than Elon Musk. It’s as if he took the park’s original Mission/Vision statement and adopted it as the playbook for his own life. So many of his ventures are in such close proximity to the principles of Future World’s pavilions that its almost impossible to believe that he was there, taking notes, on opening day. In Epcot 2032, the bold visions and technologies dreamed-up 50 years ago will be fulfilled thanks (in large part) to the achievements of Elon Musk.
SpaceX — Tesla Motors
Duration » 21:04
Duration » 2:43:57
Advisor: Joseph Kosinski, Director - Architect

“An established property can be a blessing and a challenge. On one hand you have all those fans of the original that you can pick up with and continue on with but then you have a lot of people out there who haven't seen the first and might feel like this isn't a movie for them because of that.”
If there ever were someone who understands the aesthetics of (what could be called) Nuevo-Industrial Futurism, it would be Joseph Kosinski. His visual style and ability to spearhead creditable world creation make Joseph the perfect designer to revitalize Future World with streamlined architecture, recessed accent lighting and innovative materials will dominate the landscape. In Epcot 2032, quality and consistency will always outweigh quantity.
Total Duration » 01:27:34
Advisor: Daniel Pink, Author - Business Philosopher

“Greatness and nearsightedness are incompatible. Meaningful achievement depends on lifting one's sights and pushing toward the horizon.”
What if I was to tell you that everything you’ve ever been taught about education, business, and mental aptitudes was Wrong!?
Daniel Pink is proving that that the skills needed to successfully navigate the 21st century are almost entirely opposite than those we have held so dear in the 20th. In Epcot 2032, nearly all aspects of how we construct the narratives of our attractions will utilize all of Daniels principles of Design, Story, Symphony, Empathy, Play, & Meaning.
Duration » 18:36
Duration » 4:09:09
Advisor: John Tesh, Composer - Intelligence Synergizer

“Risk means everything from being honest about your faith, to moving, to quitting a job that's paying you a fortune but it's not what's in your heart. Risking things is one of the biggest fears we have.”
In a very small way, John is already part of the Epcot experience as one of his songs accompanies the Fountain of Nations every day. But beyond his incredible repertoire of (very Epcot-esque) music, John Tesh has become a wellspring of knowledge in his long-running Intelligence for Your Life radio show, that has since evolved into an amazing well constructed website and (most recently) a TV show. In Epcot 2032 each guest will exit the park with a plethora of practical knowledge to improve nearly every aspect of there daily lives.
Duration » ~~:~~:~~
Advisor: Matthew Hussey, Human Dynamics Coach

“Working hard for something we don't care about is called Stress. Working hard for something we love is called PASSION”
Don’t let his “Get The Guy” Program fool you! Matthew is so much more than his current “Love Guru” title. In Epcot 2032 we’ll need much more effective ways of communicating with each other than today and Matthew is just the “Life Coach” to ensure that we both have the ability to listen and are heard.
Total Duration » 01:51:00 +
Advisor: Greg Lindsay, Journalist - Urban Futurist

“Humanity is officially an urban species. More than half of all people live in cities now […] One of the great luxuries of the 21st century will be a sense of place.”
It has often been said that the only person that could make EPCOT— The City “work” was Walt Disney. We can now exclude Greg Lindsay from that statement. Greg has done prolific work in revitalizing the concept of city life. And although Future World looks more like a utopian cul-de-sac, Greg’s work on creating a sense of place is crucial to the aesthetics of an expanded park. In Epcot 2032 civic architecture will blend harmoniously with its purpose like never before.
Duration » 17:07
Advisor: Jeremy Rifkin, Economist

“We are entering a new phase in human history - one in which fewer and fewer workers will be needed to produce the goods and services for the global population.”
The concept of a world without work coupled with the economic principles of a zero marginal cost society put Jeremy Rifkin at the forefront of what has become a the Third Industrial Revolution. In many ways, Jeremy’s predictions of the world yet-to-be are simultaneously optimistic, and mind-blowing. In Epcot 2032, we will learn how to optimize our lives and enhance our world.
Total Duration » 01:48:22
Advisor: Ron Schneider, Writer — Creative Consultant

“The guests will seldom be what you want them to be; They will always be what they are.”
It might seem remarkably self-severing to have such an iconic EPCOT Center performer on this panel, but don’t let his Dreamfinder role narrow your perception of his impressive philosophies about themed entertainment. Ron’s principles on guest interaction are remarkably insightful and (unfortunately) seldom used in today’s theme parks. In Epcot 2032, cast members will engage in genuinely authentic interactions like never before.
Advisor: Steven Lisberger, Director - Digital Prophet

“We are asking future generations to grow up in cyberspace and work inside [a] digital realm so what we put in there does matter […] if you try to make your entire life cyber you run the risk of turning yourself into a Program […] and treating other people like Programs instead of Users.”
It might seam a little too obvious to put the creator of TRON (aka “The Epcot Movie”) on a forward-thinking panel, however Steven’s highly-unique perspective and influence on being a cinematic co-facilitator of the transition into the Digital Age is vital to bringing forth the next phase of cultural evolution. In Epcot 2032 guests will learn difference between using technology and being used by it.
Duration » 01:51:00