Entrance Plaza

Entries in TRON (7)


LEGACY: 10 Years Later

Amongst the multitude of movies infecting the worlds of Epcot, there is only one that is completely excluded from contempt. TRON's simulated digital frontier symbiotically created to synergistically exist alongside (and even inside) Walt Disney Productions' future-focused theme park.
From its architectural aesthetics to its commentary on the relationship between humanity, technology, and religion, EPCOT Center & TRON not only share the same birth year but also perfectly complement each other's ethos in much the same way as The Lion King with Animal Kingdom or The Rocketeer with the Disney•MGM Studios. 
Fast-forward 1400 Cycles (or 28 Years) and the world was invited to enter "The Grid" once again with TRON: Legacy — a film that is just as stunning and profound as its predecessor. Beginning with a beautifully "Digitized" Disney Castle was exquisitely evocative (and is still my favorite variation on the Walt Disney Pictures logo), yet I thought it was a missed opportunity to call back to the origins of the film and its relationship with physical worlds of Disney. Clearly, Spaceship Earth and not Cinderella Castle should have begun this new cinematic experience. 

In honor of TRON: Legacy's 10th Anniversary and to celebrate The E82 Project's 10th year, today we pay tribute to both ideologically-aligned entities with Future World's iconic geosphere entering "A digital frontier to reshape the human condition."                  

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Promise of things to Come

From the depths of ENCOM’s historical Mainframe comes the first ART release from TRON Geopshere. A Teaser Poster in Background form hinting at the vast world inside Flynn’s “Second System”.


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Click on the poster to reserve your spot in ENCOM’s Digitizing Bay now!


Symbolic Discoveries

My on-going investigation into ENCOM’s historical data goes deeper to reveal the hidden connections between the software giant and our experimental theme park.

Click on “Backstage Julie” to reveal more!

For those of you who are new to E82, it might be best to start a little further back by reading...

The Second System  


E82 U (Part 2) 

OMG, where have I been!? Only two posts in a month? Just Two!
Well, this month’s course load at Full Sail was particularly demanding and labor intensive. The course “Designing Computer Graphics,” might as well be called “The Adobe Illustrator course”. The projects themselves were both challenging and fun. And with this course, I’ve been able to learn a lot more techniques that will certainly benefit E82 in the years to come. As a good practice, I’ve decided to upload all of my projects (good and not-so-good) to my Flickr account. To show range, I’ve decided to venture as far way from Futurism (and Epcot) as possible. Well mostly. Project Two was almost inescapable.


Click on the Poster to Find out More!

Oh, and while we’re on the subject… With what little time I have, (and thanks to my “Group 5 Access”) I’ve done some digging into some of ENCOM/Epcot’s hidden history and made my first visual discovery from “The Second System.”

COMING NEXT WEEK: Icons in Digital Space


Installing... TRON Geosphere

Before continuing my investigation into secrets of Kevin Flynn’s “Second System”, discover the real reasons, motives, and directives of the TRON: Geosphere Project, and why E82 is also “The TRON Legacy”!