Celebrate the Joy of . . . Life! 
Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at 6:37PM
Joshua L Harris in Future World Soundtrack Series, Wonders of Life

The countdown officially begins today…

Anyone remember when I thought that Wonders might a little light or (even worse) boring as a Two Disc compilation??? Well, turns out I grossly underestimated the musical depth of this, the last of Future World’s sprawling pavilions. As a result, this singularity in Epcot history will come to you as an expansive collection featuring OVER TWO HOURS of specially arranged, constructed, enhanced and restored musical compilations!

Experience the Wonder!  

5 . 28 . 13

Article originally appeared on E82 - The Epcot Legacy (https://epcotlegacy.squarespace.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.